Book Review: Swarm by B. V. Larson Jan10


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Book Review: Swarm by B. V. Larson

I’ve been doing a lot of reading lately, but I haven’t been doing a lot of reswarm-star-force-series-1-b-v-larson-paperback-cover-artviews. In all reality I’ve been doing a lot of listening to audio books downloaded from I have a large amount of time each day driving, and I have used this time to get my daily fix of sci-fi. Lately I’ve been focusing more on the military style space battle with a hard-core sci-fi theme. This brings me to my current selection of Swarm by B. V. Larson, the first book in the Star Force series.

When I first downloaded this book, I had no idea that it was the first in a series of five that were available and soon there would be a sixth out.  All total this is 9 hours and 39 minutes of pure pleasure. The military style space space battle with the hard-core sci-fi background in this book really comes true, without the excessive jargon. This book brings you everything required to make for a good sci-fi book.

B. V. Larson brings a new meaning to the words “invasion forces coming to earth” when this unique twist preceding the invasion forces is another force and by another race to help defend us. Although the defender ships arrive and start scooping up inhabitants on Earth, attempting to find a qualified commander running them through tests and discarding the waste, it is test of life or death to prove they are a commander and have the skills necessary to live, lead, and think. Immediately on the heels of the 700+ defender style ships scurrying across Earth looking for commanders, it is a true invasion force that’s set only on cannibalizing the resources of Earth.

And I have to say with textinction-star-force-series-2-b-v-larson-paperback-cover-artwo styled invasions, multiple battle engagements, space battles, ground wars, alien miracle medicines, pirate style Earth protectors, fleet formations, a tremendous amount of brutality, and one really sharp teacher, I am very much looking forward to spending my next several month’s credits on purchasing every book in the series, anticipating the release of every future installment as well.

I was deeply entertained throughout, mildly amused at times, and totally caught up in the story that’s unfolding in this amazing battle for Earth, its people, resources, and where the protector ships are from. I would easily rate this and 9 out of a possible 10 and suggest if you are looking for a cool battle without too much military jargon to junk up the pages, and yet still all the fun that comes with it, I would suggest this be an awesome selection and a great start to a series. I’m looking very much forward to the rest of it.