Doctor Who Series 7 Trailer

After a long wait here it is the Doctor Who Series 7 trailer.

It looks like this covers most of the first half of the season up to the final episode of the Ponds.  I love Doctor Who, and don’t get me wrong this looks like a lot of action, adventure, and humor.  I thought the point of the last series was to build the Doctor up and then bring him down.  He was supposed to go from being the All powerful God-like character that Russell T. Davies and Steven Moffat had spend series 1-5 building him up to be; back more in line with “Classic Doctor Who”, where the Doctor tries to keep his involvement more under wraps.

So my question.  Is the trailer truly representative of the season, or is it more like a Hollywood trailer; full of all the best little bits?  Or does the more humble Doctor stories start after the Ponds leave the show and new companion played by Jenna-Louise Coleman joins the TARDIS.  Oh yeah, and Weeping Cherubs, thats is creepy!