Build the Enterprise May12

Build the Enterprise

One day soon, man is going to be able to harness incredible energy – maybe even the atom. Energy that could ultimately hurl men to other worlds in some sort of spaceship. And the men that reach out into space will find ways to feed the hungry millions of the...

Star Wars Blu-Ray: Ep. IV Extras Sep21

Star Wars Blu-Ray: E...

I had to wait 2 hours after getting home before the UPS truck arrived.  The website says “delivery by 7pm – later in some residential areas.”  It’s never been this late, so of course it’s late today.  But I have the set now.  I did...

Doctor Who: A Christ...

Do not read on if you have not seen the new Doctor Who Christmas Special, and want to avoid SPOILERS! Stephen Moffat has delivered again, this was indeed the most Christmasy Christmas Special ever.  As a matter of fact the Doctor does several Christas Eves in quick succession....

SGU Resurgence Dec03

SGU Resurgence

After picking up a strange radiation signature about a day’s journey off of Destiny’s prescribed path, Young and Rush decide to investigate. What they find is a long-dead battle scene: Two races fought each other and left a field of wrecked ships behind them. Brody, Greer and Scott...