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RIP Ray Bradbury

The worlds of science fiction, horror, fantasy, and mystery mourn the loss of a legend. Writer extraordinaire Ray Bradbury passed way peaceably last night. He was 91.

Best known for writing classic books such as Fahrenheit 451, Something Wicked This Way Comes, The Illustrated Man, and The Martian Chronicles, Bradbury’s legacy spans more than 70 years and over 600 short stories in addition to his famous novels. A harbinger of real world ideas, Bradbury predicted the likes of ATMs and live broadcasts of fugitive car chases.

Bradbury recounted a story of his beginnings in a biography released by his publisher. According to Bradbury, he met a carnival magician, Mr. Electrico, who touched the 12-year-old Bradbury with his sword and commanded, “Live forever!” Bradbury decided it was the greatest idea he’d ever heard. “I started writing every day,” he recounted. “I never stopped.”

To my mind, it seems like science fiction that Bradbury is no longer with us. And while he may have passed on, he will indeed live forever, numbered amongst the greatest of the SFF genres, his name hallowed with the likes of Asimov, Wells, Verne, and Clarke.

RIP, Mr. Bradbury. Thank you for all of your contributions.